My login doesn’t seem to work.

a. Ensure you are using the correct username and password.
b. Ensure you are using the correct case (passwords are case sensitive).
c. Contact the campus.

I am trying to complete the Annual Enrollment but don’t see all of my children.

a. If you “pre-registered” a child at the end of last year, you do not need to complete Annual Enrollment for that child this year (so you will not see that child listed).
b. Contact the campus.

What if I started, but didn’t complete the Annual Enrollment of my child?

a. Log back into LINK, go to Enroll/Update Students, then Annual Enrollment, and choose Continue under the Actions column. It will pick up where you left off.

Do I have to complete the Annual Enrollment on each of my children?

a. Yes – TISD needs for each child’s information to be updated each year – this includes things like addresses, phone numbers, parent permissions, etc.

Can I renew my child’s Affidavit/Transfer information from here?

a. Yes – once logged in, choose either Affidavits or Transfers.

Can I see my child’s grades in LINK?

a. TISD is currently using Home Access Center (HAC) to display grades, attendance, etc. for those with proper access.

I need to change my address for my children. Can it do that during this annual enrollment process?

Yes but you must provide proof of residency to the campus your child attends.

Still have questions?

Contact the Link Help desk at 281-357-3052 ext. 4014
Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm

The Tomball Independent School District serves students and families in the Greater Tomball area in Southeast Texas.

Our Vision

Tomball ISD students are well prepared for life and equipped with unlimited opportunities.

Our Mission

Tomball ISD serves students through a culture that provides an innovative, personally rigorous and individually valuable education, reflective of community standards.

Contact Us

TISD Admin LINK Help Desk
Tomball ISD
310 South Cherry Tomball, Texas 77375

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